Politique de confidentialié

External Instructions on Access to Information and the Protection of Personal Information

The Corporation des Fêtes Historique de Québec is a private entity subject to the Private Sector Information Protection Act.

To obtain certain information from the Corporation des Fêtes Historique de Québec, first familiarize yourself with this policy available in the "Contact Us" section of the Corporation des Fêtes Historique de Québec.

Request for Access to Information

The Access to Information and Privacy Act primarily serves the following two purposes:

Allow any person making a request to access a document held by the Corporation des Fêtes Historique de Québec, provided the document exists at the date of the request, and subject to certain restrictions on access rights as stipulated by the Act.
Allow a person making a request to access personal information held by the Corporation des Fêtes Historique de Québec concerning that person, provided the information is recorded in a document at the date of the request, and subject to certain restrictions on access rights as stipulated by the Act.

To Whom to Address

The General Director of the Carnaval de Québec is the first person responsible for access to documents and the protection of personal information designated in accordance with the Act. Any request for access to a document should be sent, preferably in writing, to:

General Director Access to Documents and Protection of Personal Information Officer Carnaval de Québec 205 Boulevard des Cèdres, Quebec City, QC, Canada G1L 1N8 prp@carnaval.qc.ca 


The request for access must be sufficiently precise for the document to be identified and located. If necessary, the access officer can assist the requester in identifying the requested document. The Corporation des Fêtes Historique de Québec is not obliged to create a new document, whether through the development of calculations, tables, or any other data manipulation, to respond to a request for access.

The right to access a document is confirmed by the access officer based on applicable provisions of the Act, including certain restrictions dictated by the same law.

The access officer has 20 days to respond to the request. This period may be extended by an additional 10 days if processing the request appears impossible without disrupting the normal course of activities of the Corporation des Fêtes Historique de Québec.

Only a written request allows for seeking a review of the access officer's decision by the Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec.

Form and Procedure

The Corporation des Fêtes Historique de Québec does not impose the use of a form to submit a request for access to a document. However, those who wish to do so can use the form provided by the Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec:

Commission d'accès à l'information du Québec Form

The procedure for submitting and processing the request is also described on the website of the Commission d'accès à l'information:



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