Plan your visit

Whether you are in Quebec City for a few hours or a few days, plan your stay to get the most out of your experience at Les Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France TD.

How to get there?

Les Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France TD take place at the Esplanade Park located in the heart of Old Quebec. The site is close to public transit and many hotels and restaurants. You will also find a Le Vélo Vert parking lot at the entrance of our site, located on Saint-Louis Street.

Where to sleep?

Make the most of your experience from Les Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France TD with accommodations near the event site!

Food and beverage

Discover our diverse food and beverage offerings!

Frequently Asked Questions

Any question? The answer is probably below. Otherwise, do not hesitate to contact us.

When does Les Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France TD takes place?
Can I obtain Medallions from previous years' events?
What are the opening hours ?
Where will the Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France TD take place?
Is the costume mandatory to join the celebrations?
What does the purchase of the Decoder-Medallion include?
How can I get to the event?
What does the Historical Pass include?
What does the Royal package include?
What about people with reduced mobility?
Is there a place to breastfeed and change my child's diapers?
What are the new features this year?
I am a young adult coming with friends. What do you recommend for us?
Are animals allowed on the FNF sites ?
Where can I buy my Decoder-Medallion?