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Québec City, June 19, 2024 – Did you know that in the time of New France, the barber and the surgeon were one and
the same? That you could pay with playing cards? And, that a child could become a real sailor at the age of seven?
The Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France TD is coming to Esplanade Park and various locations in Old Quebec from August 1
to 4. A whole range of historical activities, merrymaking and games is...
Québec, June 15, 2023 – Fêtes de la Nouvelle-France TD is an opportunity for everyone to have a blast in the heart of
Quebec’s history. The festival will be held August 3 to 6, 2023, on an all-new site at Place de l’Assemblée-Nationale. Steve
Veilleux, singer of the group Kaïn, will be performing at Le Corsaire Inn on Friday, August 4, at 9:30 PM, comedian Charles
Beauchesne will record a podcast on th...